Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What change are we waiting for?

Here is the time we cast our votes for the better good. In hope that in times to come there will be some changes and we the people will be in affluence by our desired wishes… this 2009 Elections, I feel is the most complicated and dirtiest one. Did we hear accuses so nasty against candidates before? Every now and then while campaigning, a candidate throws tantrums on the other. Is that done to gain name and fame…where does respect for the people lie? Is this why politics is termed as the dirtiest or the dirty politics…! 

The ongoing fight against terrorism around the world, rising gas prices, the effects of global warming, access to quality and affordable healthcare, are just some of the real life problems we all face in this world and in our nation today. Every sector in India needs equal and immediate attention. Economically, socially, politically, governance, corruption, along with mentioning of poverty, sanitation, water, electricity and what not. There is a long list of unsolved miseries that still has to be attended for India’s well being. Yes we are among the fast developing nations but, why even then we can see black clouds hovering above us up in the sky..! 

But our leaders are more interested in personal benefits. There are records and facts about many politicians including personal assets and accuses against them. But still they rule with the power of syndicates behind them in hosting of high-tech campaigns for the so called deserved candidates but may not be…!

Yes ‘Change we can believe in’ was the message of Barack Obama’s US Presidential election campaign. And we are too are waiting for the type of change that President Obama meant can be seen and felt in India also…

What could our chosen leaders do will be known very soon. With the true leadership, and a change of attitude and focus on the Country’s intended policies. We, the people await the much hoped and expected changes that will lead to prosperity..!!! 

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