Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stop thinking morally start acting logically

India’s unique beauty is the culture itself but now when we talk about the cultural diversity, there always arises a question in our minds where are we heading. Has our cultural pride lost its nobility? India is a mixture of various cultural ethnicities. Culture has its own complex entities while holding together mores, traditions, sensibilities, sympathies, taboos, anxieties, aesthetic sense etc which are counteractive to the following up of the cultural ideologies. But today society is rapidly changing. The pub-culture debate arises questions about how our sense of self and society is constituted. Beating up of women in the name of tradition is not culture. And what culture are we following actually? 

The developments all around reaching the heights of international fame is the very fact that India is no longer confined to the past village traditions. We the Indians are now able to compete with countries like China and US. India is strengthening its ties overseas. But unfortunately some sections of people still are living in the past with their narrow mindsets. They are the ones who create fuss regarding the cultural ethics but unconsciously they are causing harm. Our democracy can function judiciously only if there is a bedrock of moral consensus on which society rests. And only if the so called moral policing do not continue to trouble in the name of preserving the tradition. They are actually misusing the power of cultural ethics through which society can shine. Motives are different so are the philosophy, beliefs and principles of every individual.
Individuals responsible for the clashes caused should be hold responsible and it should be set clear that the state will not tolerate vandalism and violence. It is not important that we respect every individual for what they think and act since thoughts differ. 
The continuous attack by group of activists on the dress codes, from wearing of burkhas to stop wearing jeans which is termed as a western attire etc. have always been a news. It is tough to denote the preferences. Society consists of age groups youths, adults etc. they have their own choices and want to live accordingly. The individual liberty is the main rights of every citizen. No one can snatch it. At the same time we as social beings are also accountable to objections and like behaviour like drinking and so on.
The recent controversies like ban in showcasing smoking in the movies, putting out hoardings against holding hands, kissing in public places, pointing out terms like zina and haraam etc.are totally absurd. Groups like those with saffron outfits or the other religious ideologies inflicting debatable type of thoughts and beliefs are strange. Is there any common sense in the minds of the people? Ironically, the self-styled moral brigade is all that is formulated in to act as per their wishes regardless what the constitutional laws actually state. 

Society has changed a lot. The advancements in economic, technological, socio-cultural and political force have made a great impact on people’s cultural status but to some extent has created collisions as well. They are swayed by high living standards and hi-tech enticements. India is on its way to reach the heights of development. Now there are lot of innovations and market expansions to cope up the global trend. 

But why only attacks are made against the liquors, there are certain other concerned issues like corruptions in every field socially, economically and politically. Why not deal the corrupted first and then take actions on those petty issues. There are challenging subjects in this country. Major concerns should be towards the people who are still facing acute poverty, hunger, unemployment etc. which is still worst affected than to raise an issue of moral policing.

Problems are not small. They are to be handled with strict actions and strict laws should to be followed. Else such nuisances will carry on in future as well. The prime concern of the nation is to eradicate the drawbacks in the sectors of health, sanitation, unemployment and many more hazardous issues that is making the nation weak should be taken as an alarm to strive for the betterment of the country. 

1 comment:

  1. if minus*minus= plus,
    so, immoral* immoral = moral=logicial?
    Perfect arithmetic
