Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Education a means to money making

There is an unhealthy practice regarding administration of some educational institutions. And it happens to be a fact that the teachers do not have required qualification which adds to the drawbacks. They are rather supported by the political bureaucrats in getting their jobs fixed thereby posing a serious question to their credibility for sincere and truthful educational standards.

The commercialisation trends of modern times have had a tremendous impact on the field of education as well. Looking at our past, there was the traditional style of imparting education where there were self-governing scholars engaged in the disinterested pursuit of knowledge without any individual motives and interests. But now the scenario has changed drastically. Money matters and this particular evil is dragging this pure institution into a commercial practice transforming it into a market commodity. 

Now it is the basic tendency that the institution survives and grows with the funds collected in the name of security at the time of admissions. Educational institutions should be available to all irrespective of one's ability to pay. Some educational institutions hold unethical manners to work upon. For example, a number of private universities and schools, around the world, operate without any form of government assistance, they are funded by fees and remain free from any suggestion that they are acting unethically. Now getting admission to colleges is much easier as compared to nursery schools. And the root cause is money. 

Teaching should not be considered as a vocational or temporary profession. Because at times it is noticed that the teachers just choose the profession for utilizing the time temporarily till they find other jobs. Teachers are said to be the sole medium through which education flows thus guiding the children and making them capable for the challenges of human life. But now it is often noticed that the teachers just join an institute for a certain period of time for utilising their time on the other hand searching for other jobs side ways. The commitment is not found by the so called teachers. Moreover they point out differences adding to discrimination on attending to a particular child, also failing to hear their problems and queries. As said by James Baldwin, “A child cannot be taught by anyone who despises him. 

One of the drawbacks of the educational administrative system is that there is seen a very low level of pay scale in some institutions. This is creating troubles for the teachers concerned in ignorance to the amount of work pressures resulting to frustrations within oneself and punishing the students. Also this cannot be denied that students too have become very restless in terms of attentiveness and respect towards teachers. 

There are growing incidents of atrocities on students like, the news on a ten-year-old school student was sexually assaulted by his teacher. Another such case where a class 6 student was asked to stay back by the head master who then sodomised the student when all the students had left the school. Such immoral and ghastly acts terrify the parents to send their dear children to schools. Who is to be blamed for all these happenings? 

Viewing the overall management of the institution it can be understood that the educational standard is gradually deteriorating. There is a need for healthy plans to set up a clean form of teaching methodology free from the economic crunches. There has to be grievance cells to help in equitable coordination among the teachers and the students. Seminars should be held on psychological talks to help in understand the students’ mind. And also there should be a better mechanism to recruit teachers with periodic appraisals on their teaching methods to stop any negligence happening in future and thus striving for establishing befit and better education. And also the administrative authorities too cannot be left aside. The overall strong functioning will lead to a strong institution finally.

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